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All posts by nojojojo

Rumors of my death…

…have not been exaggerated. Figuratively speaking. Apologies for being so silent here, folks. As I mentioned awhile back, I’m a writer, and just recently my first novel came out — a fantasy novel called The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. You can read the first few chapters

The Appropriateness of Appropriation

In the wake of unusualmusic’s ever-so-fun linkspam, let’s talk about cultural appropriation! Again. (C’mon, you know you love it.) Or not. I’ve become aware in recent months of a growing movement in the creative world that I’m going to call, for lack of a better

What do they tell the children?

I’ve been hearing a lot lately about the terrifying scale of the racist hatred being directed toward Obama. Yesterday I saw this article, which implied that the Secret Service is struggling to keep up with threats against the president. Since Mr Obama took office, the

Health care IS an anti-racist issue.

(And feminist, and anti-classist, and pro-GLBTQI, and anti-ablist, and so on. It’s a human right.) Apologies for being so quiet lately, ya’ll. I’m up to my ears in writing books and writing grants to help me keep writing books and writing resumes to help me

Last Drink Bird Head Award Nomination

Yes, that string of words in the subject line actually means something. Last Drink Bird Head is a charity anthology being put together by master anthologists Ann and Jeff VanderMeer. In their own words, The purpose of the awards is to celebrate those in the

The problem with viewing films by demographic.

Via Angry Asian Man, a great article that makes a point about the ineffectiveness of protests about racism in mainstream Hollywood films. Basically, if we don’t patronize the good portrayals created by our own filmmakers, we’re unlikely to see much change in the racist dreck

Let Them Have Their Great White Hope

So there’s a minor tempest in a teapot at the moment because the Republicans’ racism slip is showing again. Shiny new Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins uttered a very Freudian slip at one of her public addresses, suggesting that “Republicans are struggling right now to find the

Entertaining Anti-Racism in About an Hour

Personal disclosure: this guy is my first cousin. Which in no way invalidates what I’m saying below. OK, so like many of you I’ve done my share of “diversity workshops”. Which were mostly, I have to admit, pretty good — generally because they were long

The Thing Not Being Said

…about all this “birther” crap, in which fine upstanding folk who are legitimate natural-born citizens of this fine country (the US of A, because we’re all from it or want to be from it, of course) incessantly and illogically question the fact that our president

No comment necessary.

I don’t have much time to analyze this, but I don’t really need to, because WHAT THE FUCKING FUCKITTY FUCK pretty much suffices: Harvard Professor Gates Arrested at Cambridge Home Friends of Gates said he was already in his home when police arrived. He showed