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Advertising on the ABW

We do accept ads here on the site. Currently, the only spot for directly sold ads is on the lower right sidebar under the “BlackLights” section. You can purchase a square 160 x 160 ad or a 160 x 600 banner.

The Kinds of Ads We’d Like To See

The audience here is multiracial, multicultural, and multigendered. We discuss social justice, prejudice, and geek stuff. The audience is also highly literate and well-read. So ads for blogs, books, products, and services around those issues are very welcome.

The Kinds Of Ads We Might Reject

We will not accept ads that lead to sites or products that promote, perpetuate, or otherwise hint at prejudices around race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, class, or anything else we think of later. If you disagree with our assessment of your ad, you may ask for clarification.

If your ad has people in it, then we’d like at least one of those people to be of color. There are plenty of places on the ‘net where you can see ads with nothing but white people. We do our best to not have that kind of place. We might accept your ad if we only see a white face if the ad holds value for us on some other level, but your best bet is to reconsider before submitting such an ad.

Flash ads. We already have Flash ads at the top and that’s quite enough. JPG or GIF only, please. And while we will accept an animated ad, we might reject one we feel is too much, too loud, too distracting.

Poorly designed ads are a no-no. We might be willing to give suggestions on how to improve your ad, but we’re not a graphic design service.

When We’ll Place Ads

New ads will go up on the 15th of every month. We’ll only accept monthly ad placements because we’re all really, really busy and we need to cut down on the administration of this as much as possible. We will only accept 3 ads total in a month (two 160×160 buttons and 1 160 x 600 banner) and we’ll only commit to running any individual ad for 3 months. You can always reapply again once that term is up. Smaller ads will go above the larger one.

Ad acceptance will be on a first come, first served basis for most people, though we reserve the right to put ads at the top of the queue if they’re from blogs/bloggers we know and have a connection to, past guest bloggers, and companies we work with. However, even those people will have the 3 month restriction, and don’t getĀ preferenceĀ if they re-apply.

How Much Will It Cost?

Prices for these slots will vary. Currently 160×160 ads will cost no more than $30/month and 160×600 will cost no more than $50/month. We’ll determine pricing individually, based on your budget and what type of site, product, etc you’re promoting.

How do I apply?

Simply fill out this form. We will answer you as soon as we can, but please be aware it might be up to a week before we respond.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Blog, Business, Organization, Product, etc.

Web Address

Let us know what size ads you're interested in and an estimate of how long you'd like the ad to run. Please add any questions or messages about ads on the ABW here.

We will contact you within 7 days with more information and a price estimate.

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