Apparently Google Erased Native American Reservations From…

Apparently Google Erased Native American Reservations From Google Maps…
The kind of map that SHOULD show up on Google Maps but doesn’t, contributing to the erasure of Native Americans from general awareness.
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I’m wondering if anyone spoke with the representatives of the Dakota Reservations? My first thought was, maybe they don’t want the reservation pubicized as it might draw unwanted tourists/visitors. I do see the authors point in that its obviously arbitrary of Google to not show these reservations. I would love for someone to contact Google and the Reservations and get those two stories. Just a thought.
Love the blog.
Number of Native American reservations shown on Google Maps: X. Number of shopping malls, fast-food restaurants, etc, shown in Google Maps: a million X.
Disk space required to store the boundaries of Native American reservations: Y. Disk space required to store all the freakin’ Street View images: a billion times as much (at least – maybe even a trillion times as much).
Cue whingers whining about “the reservations are cluttering up the maps” and “how much do you expect Google to spend on disk drives” in 3…2…1…
I mean, really, Google has no excuse whatsoever for this.
I’m speechless…and so freaking embarrassed that I hadn’t noticed. Fail. Massive fail.
Whats the google official statement on this?