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Gov. Scott Walker is a fucking asshole pile of shit.

Gov. Scott Walker is a fucking asshole pile of shit.:



Gov. Scott Walker believes a new law that gives gay couples hospital visitation rights violates the state constitution and has asked a judge to allow the state to stop defending it.

Because stopping people who love each other from being together when one of them is in the fucking hospital is exactly something government should be doing.

This isn’t just stupid, it’s fucking cruel.

Seriously. It should totally be illegal for someone who is hurt or ill to have their loved one with them because they’re not legally married to said loved one, not because they don’t want to be, but because the state won’t let them be. Also, state, way to get into the private affairs of private citizens. FAIL. SO MUCH FAIL.


I don’t even know how some people live with themselves when they make decisions of this nature. Like, the black pit of their soul somehow doesn’t hurt? I guess not. Jesus.

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2 thoughts on “Gov. Scott Walker is a fucking asshole pile of shit.”

  1. John P. says:

    Who the hell does this guy think he is?

  2. Dee Squared says:

    There aren’t enough words in the universe to describe such fuckery. Lemme guess, he one of those types who scream about ‘small government!’ and ‘let citizens decide!’ and ‘America the free!’ and shit like that, but ohnowaitholdonasecond, gays/coloreds/wimmens/etc. don’t deserve those same rights because they suck. Eugh.

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