From MoveOn: Speechless On The House Floor The video above is…
From MoveOn: Speechless On The House Floor
The video above is more interesting when you take this into consideration (from the first comment at the source):
I don’t know if all of you have been following what passes for debate in Congress nowadays, but anytime a Democrat stands in the House to speak critically of the GOP, they get interrupted, talked down, disrupted. But you can’t disrupt the video feed. You can’t interrupt it, you can request a preemption, you can’t ask that the speaker relinquish time to a point of order. There’s nothing to interrupt. It was all visual aid and no words, and it worked FLAWLESSLY.
When our elected officials need to resort to this kind of thing in order to be heard at all, that’s a problem. (Dems, don’t think I’m letting you off the hook, because I know shit like this went down under your rule as well.) Sadly, there are few ways to combat this asshattery except by doing it back at them, and then nothing gets done.
I wish our government weren’t so stupidly broken.
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I watched this a few days ago and thought he was probably just trying to be dramatic. I’m glad he was able to say what he needed to say.
I must agree with the Senator from New York.