Sex and Sexuality Break
Tis the season of exams, but I sure as hell didn’t feel like cracking open a textbook today. So have some links.Greta Christina:The case of the missing bisexual
[Greta Christina] “Straight Porn Will Make You Gay”: The Delusion of Sex-Negativity
Are we having sex now, or not?
[Greta Christina] Are We Having Sex Now… And Why Should We Care?
Sexual Desire from an outsider’s POV
Sexual Attraction From an Outsider’s Point of View
Cuddle World I would kill for this.
It’s paradoxical, but the more flexible you are and the more you allow for your identity to not be fixed, the more stable and unshakable you are. It’s scary because we are used to having firm and solid definitions of everything. And society’s rules are not made to accommodate a lot of “I don’t know”. Nevertheless. The ultimate tool you always have at your disposal is telling your own complete truth, and sometimes that truth is “I don’t know”, or “I don’t relate to that question” or “I’m not sure what that word means” or “I don’t remember ever feeling that way” or “I have mixed feelings about that”. Just be as truthful as you can – and speak from your own authority, from what you really, really know to be true for yourself. But the more you try to present yourself to people using external labels of identity, the easier it is for them to dispute that.
The F-Word
Blog:Disability, sexuality and rights online training
Sins Invalid IV: Possibly NSFW
(Sex)abled: Disability Uncensored
Sins Invalid: An unashamed look at sex, beauty and disability Performance videos
Sex and Disability: Possibly NSFW Depending On Where You Work
This is a great blog you got here but i can’t seem to find the RSS button.