Clarion West Write-A-Thon (again!)
I’m participating in the Clarion West Write-A-Thon again this year, raising money for the workshop and for the Butler Scholarship. I’m in the process of finding sponsors to help me reach my goal of raising $1000 total.
For those of you who don’t know, a write-a-thon is a lot like a marathon. Instead of sponsoring me per mile, you sponsor me per week. If I reach my writing goal for the week, you pledge to send a certain amount of money. There are six weeks of write-a-thoning to mirror the six weeks of workshopping at Clarion West.
Also for those who don’t know, Clarion West is a writing workshop in Seattle where 17 students have the opportunity to spend a week with 6 or 7 professional writers and editors to improve their craft. This year’s instructors are:
Paul Park
Mary Rosenblum
Cory Doctorow
Connie Willis
Sheree R. Thomas
Chuck Palahniuk
And finally, the Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund was set up by the Carl Brandon Society to give financial aid to writers of color attending Clarion and Clarion West. Octavia got her start at Clarion and she gave her support to Clarion West as a teacher, volunteer, and speaker. She was keenly aware of the need for more voices of color in the genre. I can think of no better way to honor her memory than by giving students this opportunity.
When I went to Clarion West a very kind individual donated my full tuition to the workshop anonymously (knowing that I actually did not have the money to go and was planning to take out a loan if it came to that). It was an incredibly generous gift and I’ve always felt that I can never fully repay it — my time at the workshop meant so much. But I try, every year, to do my part in giving that gift to other students.
As I said, I’m hoping to raise $1000 total, which is a high goal but not impossible to reach. It breaks down to about $170/week. If 34 people pledge $5/week, I’ll make my goal. If 17 people pledge $10/week, I’ll make my goal. If 8 people pledge $20/week, I’ll make my goal. You can also do a flat amount. $60 only if I reach all of my six week goals. Or $100. If 10 people pledge $100… you get the idea. You can sponsor me for any amount you feel comfortable with and can afford. Even if it’s a low amount, every bit helps!
I’m looking for 8 – 34 people who can do $5 – $20/week or $30 – $100 overall. Of course, I can’t reach my goal unless I write!
I’m currently writing a novel of 12 interlinked stories, so my goal is to write one chapter/story per week for the six weeks. If you sponsor me for $30/week or more, I will send you the (very, very!) rough drafts each week as I complete them.
If you would like to sponsor me (yay, thank you!), please send an email to this gmail address: SponsorKT :with your name, your pledge amount, and if you’d like to pay (in the end) via PayPal, credit/debit card, or by mailing a check to Clarion West. I don’t handle any of the monetary transactions, by the way. It all goes through CW. Also let me know if you’d like weekly updates.
Several people sponsored me last year and already five people are sponsoring me this year, so I’m inching toward that goal. I only need 13 more at $10/week to do it! Will you be one?
UPDATE: Big news! As of Friday the 13th, I now have $660 in sponsored money. !! This is super fantastic, and all thanks to the wonderful people who’ve pledged so far. I only need $340 more, now. That’s about $57/week. If 6 more people sponsor me for $10/week, or 12 for $5/week, I’m home free! I’m so close, everyone. Put me over the top!
ETA: Just to be clear, I’m the only one participating (that is, ABW not Karynthia or Nora). I think we need to change themes again to make it much clearer which one of us is posting!
After I get paid I am absolutely donating. I wish I would’ve known about this (if it was around) when I was in HS. I can’t donate a lot or sponsor but I will give what I can. I’ll also link to you today so other people can contribute.
This is an awesome goal, ABW! I’ll sign up to back you now.
Shannon, I’m not sure whether you think the workshop is for high school students, but, actually, it’s not. Applicants range from about 20 years old to people in their 50s and 60s. Most are in their 20s and 30s.
This is the 25th consecutive year. Check out the website for info. ( Applications for 2009 will be accepted in January-February of 2009. Scholarships are available. If you want to write speculative fiction, I encourage you to apply!
Holy crap seriously? I confused this with another thing but wow. I might actually apply for next year thank you Eileen.
That’s great, Shannon! Next year’s instructors will be announced in August. There’s a forum on the website where you can ask questions and chat.
Good luck to you!
Have a great & productive time at Clarion West, ABB! Is there something we could buy & read that would also support you (meaning, I would love to read your fiction)?