hilarious! i really loved that first one a lot. the 2nd confused me…who is that character in the last frame? maybe you have to read it regularly to get that part.
Sure, if you like. Though I don’t own either of them so can’t really give permission. I didn’t get any, though ;) The artist who did the second one is pretty happy that so many people have reposted and linked it, so it’s probably okay.
Apparently I’m in the minority, but I find the comics offensive, and I can’t even find a coherent way to explain why. I guess it mostly stems from a lack of understanding regarding the race issue. I’m a 30-something, white, middle-class, mother-of-two who grew up poor and worked hard to get where I am. I’m fairly well-educated and have lived on the east coast, in the southeast, middle America (Minnesota), overseas, and currently live on the west coast. In all my experiences, I have never met a black person who could explain to me why they feel victimized and persecuted, two seemingly recurring themes among blacks. I understand history, and how blacks were brought here against their will, denied rights and education, and are just now coming into their own. What I don’t understand, despite the 100+ years since slavery, why blacks think whites are out to get them. Or why (some) blacks think if they speak proper English, rather than slang, they’re ‘trying to be white.’ I don’t think it’s beyond reason to expect ANYONE in a working environment to forgo the slang and speak with respect, regardless of race, age, etc.
Everyone has a right to their own thoughts and feelings and emotions, but when the “ABW” persona is the first and only impression we get, how are we supposed to find the good hiding behind the bad? I assure you, if some white woman acted like a bitch, be it at the grocery store, at work, or in the school, I would certainly not assume that ‘she’s probably really nice inside.’ First impressions are often all you get, so why spend your time being angry, pissing people off and burning bridges along the way? THAT’s the mindset I don’t get.
As a white person, why am I responsible for the sins of my fathers? Why is it so hard to forgive the descendants of the assholes who thought enslaving humans would be a good idea? I had absolutely nothing to do with it, and would be overjoyed if I was treated as an equal rather than an oppressor.
I know saying “get over it” is shallow, crass, and ignorant of me, but that’s my question: Why can’t blacks just get over it and move on?
Please moderate as needed, and thanks for the forum.
“Truth,” in your last question — “Why can’t blacks get over it and move on” — is the implicit assumption that racism is over.
… yeah.
You are right about one thing — it is a remarkably ignorant statement — so I do hope you’ll do a bit more reading on this site to maybe get some understanding of why. You might start with the white privilege post, because you’re exercising it:
As for having “absolutely nothing to do with it” — racism isn’t just a matter of isolated acts of prejudice. It’s a system that is so much a part of our culture it seems invisible to those who don’t experience it, but it’s one from which you (and I) benefit. We are more likely to be hired, more likely to get higher paying jobs, more likely to find housing wherever we like, less likely to be convicted of a crime, less likely to receive a strict sentence, more likely to get justice if we are victims of a crime, more likely to receive decent medical treatment… the list goes on and on.
I had a student recently who told me about a friend of his. She was working at a small company for ages, was never promoted, and saw younger, newer (white) employees promoted over her again and again.
This kind of discrimination is common. How do you “get over it”?
Being blind to discrimination is one of the privileges of being white, because it doesn’t happen to you. So instead of wondering why everyone doesn’t just get over it, take the time to listen. Explore this site some more. Explore some of the links. Try to learn to recognize how blindness to racism is part of your own white privilege. Maybe then you won’t find the comics so offensive.
Blanky says:
What does the second comic have to do with white privilege? It’s lampooning comic-book violence.
I find the first great, but the second…am I alone in thinking that a woman torturing a man is not automatically hilarious?
Especially considering how often scenes involving males being raped are played for laughs, it just doesn’t sit very well with me. The yellow dude killing her and cutting her into pieces is tragic, trite and was prevented. But her multilation of his arm being played for laughs?
I don’t think the second comic is supposed to have anything to do with white privilege. As far as I can see, it’s not lampooning comic book violence so much as the stereotypical and belittling roles that are given to women in comic books — specifically, the damsel-in-distress role, in which the woman’s only purpose is to be a prize fought over by men. The hero reaffirms his masculinity by gloriously rescuing his woman from the evil villain. Ho hum.
Second comic makes fun of that. And the woman’s attitude to the villain is about how I feel about that sort of role in general.
“Especially considering how often scenes involving males being raped are played for laughs”
Somehow I missed this part of your comment the first time I read it… but where exactly do you seen anything having to do with men being raped? I see no connection to sexual violence. Certainly not against the man. And let’s not forget that he comes into the scene with the intent to chop the woman up into little pieces and stick her remains in the fridge.
Blanky says:
To be honest, I don’t see the damsel in distress being played at all straightly in just about any comic I’ve read in the past five years (at the very least).
Still, the outcome leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth–“any men who belittle women should be emasculated and be offered no true shot at redemption.” Whoo, grrl power! How are we to do this? Through violence–but if you hurt them, it’s okay–hell, they’re men and they can take it.
My rant is only semi-linked to the comic at hand, but the message is just “meh” to me.
Blanky says:
Oh, response to your second post, which you posted in-between my writing my first one–
just “violence against men for laughs,” which reminded me of “sexual violence against men for laughs,” which I observe in other humorous media.
And, of course, his intentions are perverted and barbaric. Her reaction I also find repellant. She breaks something in his face, something in his spine, chokes him, slams him against a counter and mutilates his arm? There were better ways to lampoon the trope, I’m sure.
As I said, my rant is only semi-linked.
Ari says:
Truth wrote:
As a white person, why am I responsible for the sins of my fathers? Why is it so hard to forgive the descendants of the assholes who thought enslaving humans would be a good idea? I had absolutely nothing to do with it, and would be overjoyed if I was treated as an equal rather than an oppressor.
My response:
Why is it so hard for Black people to forgive? Because the damage slavery did is unforgiveable. Families were destroyed. People’s original identity was erased. People’s sense of self-worth was distorted. The damage slavery created has spanned generations.
Truth says:
I agree, slavery WAS unforgiveable, but harboring anger now, decades and generations later, does nothing but continue to foster the abw persona. I guess my feeling isn’t that anger isn’t justified, but rather, wouldn’t it be better to find an outlet, let it out, and move on? I don’t really mean ‘forgive and forget’ — that ‘s truly a poor choice of words, but holding onto anger benefits no one.
I’ve been reading through the white privelege posts to which Ico linked, and I wholeheartedly agree that I have WP. It’s evident anytime I turn on the television, visit the shopping mall, or interview for a job. However, I’ve gotten where I am in life not based just on my skin color, but also because of my common sense, intelligence, positive attitude, work ethic, looks, outgoing nature, and a good dose of right place/right time. I don’t deny that there is far too much discrimination and racism in our country, because there will always be ignorant asses whose world views and minds are far too narrow. But racism shouldn’t be an excuse for failure — it’s just one more hurdle in the path of success.
Ebb says:
“wouldn’t it be better to find an outlet”
But…this very blog (and blogs like it) IS an outlet. At least it is to me. That comic can be seen as an outlet. And as great as it would be to ‘let things go’, I think many people would agree that it’s not that simple and it’s never going to be.
Racism ISN’T an excuse or just a hurdle. It’s much worst than that. It’s one huge institution or building in our way that needs to be taken down brick by brick, not to be covered up a huge quilt. It’s going to take time to demolish it (if at all possible) as it takes time to truly forgive. One of the ways to take it down is a lot of passion, in this case, justified anger.
And remember slavery wasn’t/isn’t the only thing that has afflicted Black Americans. Many events have caused the snowballing to where we are now.
LOL. Great blog post angryblackwoman where did you get the comics from?
Angela says:
I loved both comic strips. They were great! I wouldn’t mind reading a book full of comics like those.
Truth, can you please explain why you think blacks constantly use racism as an excuse to fail? I have never used racism to fail in anything. In fact education is very important to me. I am in college right to make myself not only a better human being, but a better woman who is also black. You have no idea how tiring it is to have to explain why black people are the way they are today, or why we have only advanced so far even with the hurdles thrown in. We as black people have a long way to go, but it does not mean we have to sit by silently and let things happen to use that should not.
Let me ask you this? How would you feel if there were those who spent their entire lives always trying to prove that whites were inferior? How would you feel if there were those who constantly told you that whites have contributed nothing to society? How would you feel if people only thought of you as a statistic? You wouldn’t feel to good would you? I do not know what it is like to be white, and I am not upset that I am black. What I am tired of are people always trying to brush racism under the rug as if it was hardly there in the first place. You claim you understand what white priviedge is and that you do in fact have it. Well then why is it so hard for you to comprehend that this system in america was built to ensure the survival of whites?
I find it interesting that people always forget the information in panels 3-4 on the first comic. People forget (conveniently) that Jim Crow laws were on the books up until the 60s.
I always hear, “Slavery was 150+ years ago! And my relatives weren’t here (in the US) then!”
And I always retort, “But Jim Crow laws are barely 40 years ago. Were your relatives here *then*?”
Blanky says:
What if the answer is “no”, or “but they just arrived”?
Truth says:
In any case, *I* am not responsible for my relatives’ actions. (Though I do have the responsibility to try to right the wrongs, or at least make sure past mistakes aren’t repeated.)
However, why is it okay to treat me like I am the problem just because I’m white? Does the simple fact that I AM white, something I had no control over, mean that I deserve outpourings of anger, no matter what my actions? It’s a self-perpetuating dilemma: Whites are responsible for past mistreatment of blacks, therefore blacks treat whites like crap, so whites have a less than stellar opinion of the angry black persona. Get rid of the hostility, and a lot of racism goes away – I don’t want to be in a room with someone who is openly hostile, no matter what their skin color. This may be a bit too simplified, but it’s true.
Juan says:
Yep, Blacks are the leading cause of racism today. And no PRESENT mistreatment by whites even exists today. *sarcastic roll of eyes*
“Whites are responsible for past mistreatment of blacks, therefore blacks treat whites like crap…”
Ok, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say… whites treat blacks like crap a bit more frequently than blacks treat whites like crap. Just a guess based on, oh… pretty much everything in our culture.
Truth, the simple fact that you are white means that, whether you consciously acknowledge it or not, you are a part of the system of racism. You benefit at the expense of others; it’s a cultural institution that is inescapable. So instead of whining, “it’s not my fault that I was born white” (while still enjoying white privilege freely in your daily life), think about how you can actively work to eliminate your own WP. Don’t just point fingers elsewhere and say, “Don’t be angry with me, I didn’t make it this way.” Of course you didn’t. But you’re sure getting benefits from it.
Frankly I don’t see why you see ABW’s blog, the comics, or any of the posts on this site as something that level hostility at you. Or were you referring to something else by “outpourings of anger”? I identify white, for the most part. Other people on this site do, too. I don’t feel we’ve been attacked for it.
And frankly? White people as a whole have done and continue to do plenty to deserve anger. Admit it with me: “White people have screwed over black people. White people continue to screw over PoC.” The fact that as a race, whites have been and continue to be pretty awful towards PoC does not make you personally responsible for the institution of racism, so there’s no reason for defensiveness when people like ABW attack the actions of white people in general. She’s not attacking YOU and she’s not attacking ME, she’s attacking the institution of racism itself. And we should be just as outraged by the wrongs our race IS DOING AT THIS PRESENT TIME as ABW is.
So don’t feel as if you personally are attacked when people point out the injustices of racism. Instead, join in the fight! Take the time to listen (I’m glad you read the White Privilege post. Try looking around some more. There are many excellent posts on this site). Try to learn in what ways you might be unconsciously accepting or supporting racism. Acknowledge that racism still persists as a significant problem today, and that you benefit from it. Accepting that fact openly, without defensiveness, but with plenty of resolve to change it, is an important first step in being actively anti-racist.
myst3kpyro says:
I don’t think anyone has mentioned it, but the second comic is a reference to the Women In Refrigerators phenomenon. That’s when a superhero’s girlfriend/love interest is killed for no other reason than to further the plot or make the superhero more conflicted.
If you want to check it out: http://www.unheardtaunts.com/wir/
Laura C. says:
Thanks myst3kpyro, I was wondeering about that. It totally makes sence now! And right on Ico! Just because I had no control over being born white doesn’t mean I don’t have a responsibility to myself and others to raise awareness and act against racism. People who are white and complain about black people still being upset or blaming whites today are(in my opinion) selfish. I am outraged at the way i see other humans asian, muslim, black being treated every day. look to our recent history and the people around you where you shop and work. There are clear examples of racism all over, all you have to do is open your eyes and look.
jim says:
Just a brief note, but apparently in the 50’s (and possibly for a while afterwards, don’t quote me on this), IQ tests were really in vogue, and all migrants to the US had to sit one.
And the IQ tests they used at the time included questions about baseball scores, etc. Funnily enough, a lot of people who sat them (people from countries which for example, aren’t that big on baseball), didn’t do too well at those questions. So for quite a while, it was accepted doctrine from these results that everyone outside the US was mentally inferior.
Dunno if it’s relevant or not, just thought I’d share it with you all…
Shit, now I got to explain why I’m holding back tears at my desk.
Those just made…my…day.
F*** yeah! =D
This was super awesome fantastic!
Hee! Totally sweet! :D
Oh yeah. MORE
omg those are awesome!
love the first one!
hilarious! i really loved that first one a lot. the 2nd confused me…who is that character in the last frame? maybe you have to read it regularly to get that part.
The guy in the last frame is the boyfriend superhero, I presume.
I’m guessing that the male characters are supposed to share some resemblance to Spider-Man and Green Goblin.
Great “comics”.
Mind if I post them at my blog?
Sure, if you like. Though I don’t own either of them so can’t really give permission. I didn’t get any, though ;) The artist who did the second one is pretty happy that so many people have reposted and linked it, so it’s probably okay.
love it!! Hi five.
That second one is sooo made of win. :)
It’s like Buffy taken to an insane extreme.
Damn Good.
Apparently I’m in the minority, but I find the comics offensive, and I can’t even find a coherent way to explain why. I guess it mostly stems from a lack of understanding regarding the race issue. I’m a 30-something, white, middle-class, mother-of-two who grew up poor and worked hard to get where I am. I’m fairly well-educated and have lived on the east coast, in the southeast, middle America (Minnesota), overseas, and currently live on the west coast. In all my experiences, I have never met a black person who could explain to me why they feel victimized and persecuted, two seemingly recurring themes among blacks. I understand history, and how blacks were brought here against their will, denied rights and education, and are just now coming into their own. What I don’t understand, despite the 100+ years since slavery, why blacks think whites are out to get them. Or why (some) blacks think if they speak proper English, rather than slang, they’re ‘trying to be white.’ I don’t think it’s beyond reason to expect ANYONE in a working environment to forgo the slang and speak with respect, regardless of race, age, etc.
Everyone has a right to their own thoughts and feelings and emotions, but when the “ABW” persona is the first and only impression we get, how are we supposed to find the good hiding behind the bad? I assure you, if some white woman acted like a bitch, be it at the grocery store, at work, or in the school, I would certainly not assume that ‘she’s probably really nice inside.’ First impressions are often all you get, so why spend your time being angry, pissing people off and burning bridges along the way? THAT’s the mindset I don’t get.
As a white person, why am I responsible for the sins of my fathers? Why is it so hard to forgive the descendants of the assholes who thought enslaving humans would be a good idea? I had absolutely nothing to do with it, and would be overjoyed if I was treated as an equal rather than an oppressor.
I know saying “get over it” is shallow, crass, and ignorant of me, but that’s my question: Why can’t blacks just get over it and move on?
Please moderate as needed, and thanks for the forum.
“Truth,” in your last question — “Why can’t blacks get over it and move on” — is the implicit assumption that racism is over.
… yeah.
You are right about one thing — it is a remarkably ignorant statement — so I do hope you’ll do a bit more reading on this site to maybe get some understanding of why. You might start with the white privilege post, because you’re exercising it:
As for having “absolutely nothing to do with it” — racism isn’t just a matter of isolated acts of prejudice. It’s a system that is so much a part of our culture it seems invisible to those who don’t experience it, but it’s one from which you (and I) benefit. We are more likely to be hired, more likely to get higher paying jobs, more likely to find housing wherever we like, less likely to be convicted of a crime, less likely to receive a strict sentence, more likely to get justice if we are victims of a crime, more likely to receive decent medical treatment… the list goes on and on.
I had a student recently who told me about a friend of his. She was working at a small company for ages, was never promoted, and saw younger, newer (white) employees promoted over her again and again.
This kind of discrimination is common. How do you “get over it”?
Being blind to discrimination is one of the privileges of being white, because it doesn’t happen to you. So instead of wondering why everyone doesn’t just get over it, take the time to listen. Explore this site some more. Explore some of the links. Try to learn to recognize how blindness to racism is part of your own white privilege. Maybe then you won’t find the comics so offensive.
What does the second comic have to do with white privilege? It’s lampooning comic-book violence.
I find the first great, but the second…am I alone in thinking that a woman torturing a man is not automatically hilarious?
Especially considering how often scenes involving males being raped are played for laughs, it just doesn’t sit very well with me. The yellow dude killing her and cutting her into pieces is tragic, trite and was prevented. But her multilation of his arm being played for laughs?
I don’t think the second comic is supposed to have anything to do with white privilege. As far as I can see, it’s not lampooning comic book violence so much as the stereotypical and belittling roles that are given to women in comic books — specifically, the damsel-in-distress role, in which the woman’s only purpose is to be a prize fought over by men. The hero reaffirms his masculinity by gloriously rescuing his woman from the evil villain. Ho hum.
Second comic makes fun of that. And the woman’s attitude to the villain is about how I feel about that sort of role in general.
“Especially considering how often scenes involving males being raped are played for laughs”
Somehow I missed this part of your comment the first time I read it… but where exactly do you seen anything having to do with men being raped? I see no connection to sexual violence. Certainly not against the man. And let’s not forget that he comes into the scene with the intent to chop the woman up into little pieces and stick her remains in the fridge.
To be honest, I don’t see the damsel in distress being played at all straightly in just about any comic I’ve read in the past five years (at the very least).
Still, the outcome leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth–“any men who belittle women should be emasculated and be offered no true shot at redemption.” Whoo, grrl power! How are we to do this? Through violence–but if you hurt them, it’s okay–hell, they’re men and they can take it.
My rant is only semi-linked to the comic at hand, but the message is just “meh” to me.
Oh, response to your second post, which you posted in-between my writing my first one–
just “violence against men for laughs,” which reminded me of “sexual violence against men for laughs,” which I observe in other humorous media.
And, of course, his intentions are perverted and barbaric. Her reaction I also find repellant. She breaks something in his face, something in his spine, chokes him, slams him against a counter and mutilates his arm? There were better ways to lampoon the trope, I’m sure.
As I said, my rant is only semi-linked.
Truth wrote:
As a white person, why am I responsible for the sins of my fathers? Why is it so hard to forgive the descendants of the assholes who thought enslaving humans would be a good idea? I had absolutely nothing to do with it, and would be overjoyed if I was treated as an equal rather than an oppressor.
My response:
Why is it so hard for Black people to forgive? Because the damage slavery did is unforgiveable. Families were destroyed. People’s original identity was erased. People’s sense of self-worth was distorted. The damage slavery created has spanned generations.
I agree, slavery WAS unforgiveable, but harboring anger now, decades and generations later, does nothing but continue to foster the abw persona. I guess my feeling isn’t that anger isn’t justified, but rather, wouldn’t it be better to find an outlet, let it out, and move on? I don’t really mean ‘forgive and forget’ — that ‘s truly a poor choice of words, but holding onto anger benefits no one.
I’ve been reading through the white privelege posts to which Ico linked, and I wholeheartedly agree that I have WP. It’s evident anytime I turn on the television, visit the shopping mall, or interview for a job. However, I’ve gotten where I am in life not based just on my skin color, but also because of my common sense, intelligence, positive attitude, work ethic, looks, outgoing nature, and a good dose of right place/right time. I don’t deny that there is far too much discrimination and racism in our country, because there will always be ignorant asses whose world views and minds are far too narrow. But racism shouldn’t be an excuse for failure — it’s just one more hurdle in the path of success.
“wouldn’t it be better to find an outlet”
But…this very blog (and blogs like it) IS an outlet. At least it is to me. That comic can be seen as an outlet. And as great as it would be to ‘let things go’, I think many people would agree that it’s not that simple and it’s never going to be.
Racism ISN’T an excuse or just a hurdle. It’s much worst than that. It’s one huge institution or building in our way that needs to be taken down brick by brick, not to be covered up a huge quilt. It’s going to take time to demolish it (if at all possible) as it takes time to truly forgive. One of the ways to take it down is a lot of passion, in this case, justified anger.
And remember slavery wasn’t/isn’t the only thing that has afflicted Black Americans. Many events have caused the snowballing to where we are now.
LOL. Great blog post angryblackwoman where did you get the comics from?
I loved both comic strips. They were great! I wouldn’t mind reading a book full of comics like those.
Truth, can you please explain why you think blacks constantly use racism as an excuse to fail? I have never used racism to fail in anything. In fact education is very important to me. I am in college right to make myself not only a better human being, but a better woman who is also black. You have no idea how tiring it is to have to explain why black people are the way they are today, or why we have only advanced so far even with the hurdles thrown in. We as black people have a long way to go, but it does not mean we have to sit by silently and let things happen to use that should not.
Let me ask you this? How would you feel if there were those who spent their entire lives always trying to prove that whites were inferior? How would you feel if there were those who constantly told you that whites have contributed nothing to society? How would you feel if people only thought of you as a statistic? You wouldn’t feel to good would you? I do not know what it is like to be white, and I am not upset that I am black. What I am tired of are people always trying to brush racism under the rug as if it was hardly there in the first place. You claim you understand what white priviedge is and that you do in fact have it. Well then why is it so hard for you to comprehend that this system in america was built to ensure the survival of whites?
I find it interesting that people always forget the information in panels 3-4 on the first comic. People forget (conveniently) that Jim Crow laws were on the books up until the 60s.
I always hear, “Slavery was 150+ years ago! And my relatives weren’t here (in the US) then!”
And I always retort, “But Jim Crow laws are barely 40 years ago. Were your relatives here *then*?”
What if the answer is “no”, or “but they just arrived”?
In any case, *I* am not responsible for my relatives’ actions. (Though I do have the responsibility to try to right the wrongs, or at least make sure past mistakes aren’t repeated.)
However, why is it okay to treat me like I am the problem just because I’m white? Does the simple fact that I AM white, something I had no control over, mean that I deserve outpourings of anger, no matter what my actions? It’s a self-perpetuating dilemma: Whites are responsible for past mistreatment of blacks, therefore blacks treat whites like crap, so whites have a less than stellar opinion of the angry black persona. Get rid of the hostility, and a lot of racism goes away – I don’t want to be in a room with someone who is openly hostile, no matter what their skin color. This may be a bit too simplified, but it’s true.
Yep, Blacks are the leading cause of racism today. And no PRESENT mistreatment by whites even exists today. *sarcastic roll of eyes*
“Whites are responsible for past mistreatment of blacks, therefore blacks treat whites like crap…”
Ok, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say… whites treat blacks like crap a bit more frequently than blacks treat whites like crap. Just a guess based on, oh… pretty much everything in our culture.
Truth, the simple fact that you are white means that, whether you consciously acknowledge it or not, you are a part of the system of racism. You benefit at the expense of others; it’s a cultural institution that is inescapable. So instead of whining, “it’s not my fault that I was born white” (while still enjoying white privilege freely in your daily life), think about how you can actively work to eliminate your own WP. Don’t just point fingers elsewhere and say, “Don’t be angry with me, I didn’t make it this way.” Of course you didn’t. But you’re sure getting benefits from it.
Frankly I don’t see why you see ABW’s blog, the comics, or any of the posts on this site as something that level hostility at you. Or were you referring to something else by “outpourings of anger”? I identify white, for the most part. Other people on this site do, too. I don’t feel we’ve been attacked for it.
And frankly? White people as a whole have done and continue to do plenty to deserve anger. Admit it with me: “White people have screwed over black people. White people continue to screw over PoC.” The fact that as a race, whites have been and continue to be pretty awful towards PoC does not make you personally responsible for the institution of racism, so there’s no reason for defensiveness when people like ABW attack the actions of white people in general. She’s not attacking YOU and she’s not attacking ME, she’s attacking the institution of racism itself. And we should be just as outraged by the wrongs our race IS DOING AT THIS PRESENT TIME as ABW is.
So don’t feel as if you personally are attacked when people point out the injustices of racism. Instead, join in the fight! Take the time to listen (I’m glad you read the White Privilege post. Try looking around some more. There are many excellent posts on this site). Try to learn in what ways you might be unconsciously accepting or supporting racism. Acknowledge that racism still persists as a significant problem today, and that you benefit from it. Accepting that fact openly, without defensiveness, but with plenty of resolve to change it, is an important first step in being actively anti-racist.
I don’t think anyone has mentioned it, but the second comic is a reference to the Women In Refrigerators phenomenon. That’s when a superhero’s girlfriend/love interest is killed for no other reason than to further the plot or make the superhero more conflicted.
If you want to check it out: http://www.unheardtaunts.com/wir/
Thanks myst3kpyro, I was wondeering about that. It totally makes sence now! And right on Ico! Just because I had no control over being born white doesn’t mean I don’t have a responsibility to myself and others to raise awareness and act against racism. People who are white and complain about black people still being upset or blaming whites today are(in my opinion) selfish. I am outraged at the way i see other humans asian, muslim, black being treated every day. look to our recent history and the people around you where you shop and work. There are clear examples of racism all over, all you have to do is open your eyes and look.
Just a brief note, but apparently in the 50’s (and possibly for a while afterwards, don’t quote me on this), IQ tests were really in vogue, and all migrants to the US had to sit one.
And the IQ tests they used at the time included questions about baseball scores, etc. Funnily enough, a lot of people who sat them (people from countries which for example, aren’t that big on baseball), didn’t do too well at those questions. So for quite a while, it was accepted doctrine from these results that everyone outside the US was mentally inferior.
Dunno if it’s relevant or not, just thought I’d share it with you all…