Angry Wee One
I’m in the process of collecting more information for some other OurStory posts. I want to get stories on the Larkin family from a cousin and also do the interviews about my mom. Next week for sure there will be posts about my maternal grandmother Anna Ree and her mother Katie Bell. In the meantime, you’ll have to content yourself with this:
From the top left: My grandmother, Anna Ree Tidmore, my grandfather Derry Tidmore Sr., my grandmother’s mother Kate Rembert (nee Finley), my mother Marjorie T. Bradford, one of her sisters, Ella Tidmore, and… well, guess.
Whenever I look at this picture now, I can’t help but sing “One of these things is not like the other! One of these things does not belong.”
Right there is four generations of my family, and that was not even half of the immediate family living at the time or even living in the city. These are the only folks who could get themselves together to be dressed up in a photo studio. Sadly, only half of the people pictured are still alive. 20+ years is a long time.
Tags: Our Black History
lol When you’re 3 it’s hard not to be cute. Especially when you spend an hour getting your hair done. You’re too tired to look evil and mischievious.
I can relate. When I was a kid, I used to hate getting S-curls. I didn’t care if they made me look like Michael Jackson, which was my mother’s rationale. I was anything but cute during these treatments, though I did feel like moonwalking from time to time.