Wednesday Link Extravaganza
Many times I come across articles or discussions that i’d like to point to, but don’t want to clutter up the blog with one every five minutes. Instead, I’m going to do twice-weekly link roundups. If I find I need to, it’ll be daily (say in the morning). We’ll see how this goes for a while.
Man arrested for ‘stealing’ own car – What I’d really like to see come of this is a huge settlement, some firings, and a beat down. I fear that only the first is likely to happen, and even then… [Source]
This post about Storm, Black Panther, X-Men comics, and racism is really inteesting. Unfortunately the wank in the comments is mostly deleted. Boo deleted wank! I don’t read comics regularly, but Storm has always been one of my favorite characters.
A Girl Like Me, a 7 minute documentary by Kiri Davis, 16, Urban Academy.
“I wanted to make a film that explored the standards of beauty imposed on today’s black girls. How do these standards affect her self-esteem or self-image. Through making this film I learned a lot about where some of these standards might stem from.”
This is a very powerful little film. It made me really sad for us us black girls.
(found on LJ Sex and Race)
This post will be updated randomly throughout the day.